[Buildroot] setting up directfb for a raspberry pi + waveshare32b display

Lou Crittenden loucrittenden63 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 12 23:35:32 UTC 2015

Hi all. I have a buildroot setup running on a raspberry pi model b+ and a
waveshare32b 3.2" display and was able to get the system to work with the
display thanks to peter seiderer's awesome patch that builds the fbtft
drivers for buildroot, but I now would like to set up directfb to work on
this setup. Directfb built nicely, along with sdl and qt5 (I'm setting up
the framework for a gui on a buildroot based media player), but I cannot
get anything to work on directfb. I run the command "df_drivertest" that
tests for the driver, and it gives a

(#) DirectFBError [dfb->CreateSurface( dfb, &dsc, &primary )]: The
requested operation or an argument is (currently)Not

The same thing happens when I try to run any of their directfb demos.
I went on their site, directfb.org, and a lot of the links that would
help are dead

I want to use a setup lighter than xorg and supports touchscreen for a
gui on a multimedia player I am working on.
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