[Buildroot] support for cortex m3/m4 with newlib

Fabrice Mousset | GEOCEPT GmbH fabrice.mousset at geocept.com
Fri Jan 16 07:56:23 UTC 2015

I didn’t know ChibiOS, it seems to be interesting, but my interest is more focused on uClinux ;-)
I don’t have many extra time left, but perhaps I could give you some help.
Do you have publish your work on a platform like github/sourceforge or something like that?
What is your next step?
I have a stm32f4 discovery board, so I could help you on this platform. I’m not an expert, but want to learn more about uClinux and buildroot. I seems to be a good opportunity.

What are you next planned steps?


Von: cjwfirmware at gmail.com [mailto:cjwfirmware at gmail.com] Im Auftrag von Cjw X
Gesendet: Freitag, 16. Januar 2015 08:20
An: Fabrice Mousset | GEOCEPT GmbH
Betreff: Re: [Buildroot] support for cortex m3/m4 with newlib

It is targeting stm32f4. Right now it is being developed against a discovery board, but it will eventually target my own board.
So far I've looked into
and Nuttx

Right now it is generating the toolchain with newlib and uClibc++. It is doing this as target arm-none-eabi-* since I've seen a variety of packages assume that cross compiler. (That is what arm's launchpad creates). I will also probably try and figure out how to integrate libopencm3.
My plan is it support the three above (eventually) for my own stuff. Right now I'm just feeling out if there is much community interest. There is a big difference in effort between "do it for me" and "do it for everyone" and I don't have huge amounts of extra time. I think this stuff is cool though, so I'm thinking other people might also.


On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 1:40 AM, Fabrice Mousset | GEOCEPT GmbH <fabrice.mousset at geocept.com<mailto:fabrice.mousset at geocept.com>> wrote:
Hi Chris,

I have some boards from ST (Discovery and Disco), they are base on STM32 processor.
I was thinking about having support of those boards with buildroot, but never find time to check this out.
I know that buildroot has support of Blackfin processors, which are also Cortex M3/M4 based, but don’t know what would be the extra work to port this uClinux support to more Cortex M3/M4 processor.
What are you looking for? Do you plan to add support for uClinux, FreeRTOS, eCos, RTEMS or another operating system (perhaps in-house)?
For which kind of Cortex M3/M4 processor have you done the port?



Von: buildroot [mailto:buildroot-bounces at busybox.net<mailto:buildroot-bounces at busybox.net>] Im Auftrag von Cjw X
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 15. Januar 2015 23:58
An: buildroot at busybox.net<mailto:buildroot at busybox.net>
Betreff: [Buildroot] support for cortex m3/m4 with newlib

I've been working on modifying buildroot to support cortex m3/m4 processors against the newlib library.
This way I can use buildroot to build RTOS's for those processors. I've been using buildroot for years to build linux systems and I would like to expand that for the smaller processors with different operating systems.

I am making some progress. The toolchain already works. I'm now starting to go down the road of supporting RTOS's.
I'm going to keep going regardless, but I wanted to check to find out if this interests the community.

Does this interest people?

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