[Buildroot] Buildroot runtime test infrastructure prototype

Andreas Naumann dev at andin.de
Thu Jul 2 13:57:17 UTC 2015

Hi Denis,

Am 01.07.2015 um 12:28 schrieb Denis Thulin:

> Well, I like having tests as atomic as possible and since the log
> file gives a detailed report of everything including setups and
> teardowns you can find easily why it failed.

Ok, i can see the benefit of having a more detailed report and simpler 

>> Btw, what Editor did you use for the creation?
> I used Vim with the robotframework plugin.
> Unfortunately, the plugin only does syntax highlighting.

I see. Our vim geek tried that too but finally converted to using RIDE :)

> I noticed you used the Operating System library's keyword
> "Run And Return Rc" but I read in the Process Library's documentation
> that using Operating System for running programs was no longer
> recommanded and that functionnality would most likely become
> deprecated. It seems like using Process was the correct way to go.
> See:
> http://robotframework.org/robotframework/latest/libraries/OperatingSystem.html
> and
> http://robotframework.org/robotframework/latest/libraries/Process.html

Thanks for pointing that out, I will check and adjust my keywords.


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