[Buildroot] Kernel zImage under 1MB

Peter Korsgaard peter at korsgaard.com
Tue Jun 9 22:11:26 UTC 2015

>>>>> "Michal" == Michal Gonda <gonda.miso at gmail.com> writes:

 > Hi guys,
 > I am trying to build *minimal kernel under 1 Mb with Buildroot*. It is
 > intended for small board with *qspi memory* and *basic functionality,
 > ethernet, usb, spi,* and *some GPIO's*. Basic terminal access via *ssh* and
 > *UART*. My first thoughts are if it is even possible to modify kernel
 > *.config* via *linux-menuconfig* to reach this size.

 > Also if it is possible to *identify the redundant parts* without deep
 > knowledge about kernel architecture and exclude them from compilation.

 > If someone can direct me to good direction how to solve this problem or
 > even specify some tools and ways how to do it would be very helpful.

This is more of a kernel question than something specific to
Buildroot. You didn't specify your exact hardware setup, and if your 1MB
(I guess you mean MB=megabyte and not Mb=megabit) is flash size or
runtime memory use, but a modern Linux kernel with the above features is
unlikely to fit within that space with just tweaking configuration

For buildroot itself, for a static uClibc based build with busybox +
dropbear (ARMv7, thumb2) our .xz compressed rootfs is ~450KB, but our
default busybox config is quite bloated, so it can easily be trimmed to
something significantly smaller (I did a quick test and ended up ~250KB
still with a shell and the basic coreutils and networking commands).

Bye, Peter Korsgaard

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