[Buildroot] [PATCH] squashfs: Add lz4 hc compression

Peter Korsgaard peter at korsgaard.com
Sun Oct 4 16:35:15 UTC 2015

>>>>> "Matthias" == Matthias Weißer <m.weisser.m at gmail.com> writes:


>> Is there ever any use case for enabling lz4 WITHOUT the high compression
 >> option? The only drawback is somewhat slower filesystem creation, right?
 >> Perhaps we can just adjust the existing lz4 option to use -Xhc?

 > I also thought about that. But didn't want to change anything existing.
 >> From my point of view there is no reason not to use the high
 > compression mode. Actually the Linux kernel does exactly this
 > when LZ4 compression is activated. The compression speed is
 > still in the range of zlib compression and therefore not that slow.

Indeed. Ok, then I think we should just adjust the existing lz4 option
to use the hc mode.

Committed with that fixed, thanks!

Venlig hilsen,
Peter Korsgaard 

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