[Buildroot] [PATCH v3 1/1] yad: new package

James Knight james.knight at rockwellcollins.com
Wed Oct 7 15:46:45 UTC 2015


On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 6:08 AM, Vicente Olivert Riera
<Vincent.Riera at imgtec.com> wrote:
> In the next line you are going to select BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGLIB2, so you
> need to propagate its dependencies to this package as well. That means
> you need to add right here the following lines:
> depends on BR2_USE_WCHAR # libglib2
> depends on BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_THREADS # libglib2
> depends on BR2_USE_MMU # libglib2

Gotcha. I'll get that fixed.

On this point, is the common practice to copy the `depends` of
packages you `select` on (ex. for this yad package, if I select on
`BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGLIB2`, I then check the libglib2 package and copy the
`depends` references it has and add the command "libglib2" to each

> The word "from" still fits in the first line as it will not exceed the
> 72 characters limit.

Does it? For myself I have three (3) characters left after "dialogs"
(4+2+69+3). Is a four (4) character tab not the expected length or is
it something else? Curious if I've been messing up all my Config.in
files. :o

>> +
>> +       http://sourceforge.net/projects/yad-dialog/
>> +
>> +comment "yad needs libgtk2 or libgtk3"
>> +     depends on !BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGTK2 && !BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGTK3
> And you also need to update this comment since now you have the libglib2
> dependencies as well. Something like this would be ok:
> comment "yad needs libgtk2 or libgtk3 and a toolchain w/ wchar, threads"
>   depends on BR2_USE_MMU
>   depends on !BR2_USE_WCHAR || !BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_THREADS || \

Will do. Thanks.

> Be careful if you copy-paste the above text. You have to use tabs for
> indentation instead of spaces :-)

Always paranoid about this; unfortunately my paranoia doesn't catch it
all the time. :(

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