[Buildroot] Issues with the toolchain wrapper applied to the internal toolchain

Peter Korsgaard peter at korsgaard.com
Wed Oct 14 10:46:40 UTC 2015

>>>>> "Arnout" == Arnout Vandecappelle <arnout at mind.be> writes:


>> One solution for both issues would be to deal with buildroot-built toolchains
 >> explicitly in the toolchain wrapper, i.e. detect the existence of .real and exec
 >> that one directly. Would that be an acceptable solution?

 >  Since this solution will be a lot easier, and we probably want it anyway for
 > the ccache and arch-options issue, I will go for this solution.

 >  The question is then: do we detect the existence of .real at runtime in the
 > wrapper itself, or when building the toolchain wrapper?

I would personally prefer to keep the wrapper as simple as possible (and
errors to show up at build time and not runtime), so I would prefer to
do it when building the wrapper.

 >  I'll try to find time this evening to work this out.

Great, thanks!

Venlig hilsen,
Peter Korsgaard 

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