[Buildroot] [RPi 3B] ttyAMA0 serial port device doesn't exist on raspberry pi 3B

Oscar Gomez Fuente oscargomezf at gmail.com
Sat Apr 23 08:56:33 UTC 2016


You are right. But with this overlay pi3-disable-bt-overlay.dtb, you only
disabled the BT module, because WiFi is over SDIO (I've found out the
solution to work properly the WiFi on buildroot, the next Monday I'll
report on the mailing list of buildroot). Right know I'm trying to check
everything on the RPi 3B, so the most important for me is the UART for
debugging. I don't understand why raspberry.org have left the RPi 3B
without a serial port for debugging (If you are using the BT module), I
suppose they have a good reason, but I don't know what. In my opinion, the
serial port for debugging is the most important thing on an embedded board.

Best regards.

Oscar Gomez Fuente.

On 23 April 2016 at 10:35, Peter Korsgaard <peter at korsgaard.com> wrote:

> >>>>> "Oscar" == Oscar Gomez Fuente <oscargomezf at gmail.com> writes:
>  > Thank you Peter,
>  > Only you have to add this line in the config.txt file:
>  > device_tree=bcm2710-rpi-3-b.dtb
>  > +dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt
>  > And copy the file pi3-disable-bt-overlay.dtb to /boot/overlays folder.
>  > This disabled the Bluetooth module.
> Ok, thanks - But longer term I guess we want to support bluetooth/wifi
> on the rpi3.
> --
> Venlig hilsen,
> Peter Korsgaard
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