[Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] skeleton: Rename /etc/profile.d/umask to umask.sh

Thomas Claveirole thomas.claveirole at green-communications.fr
Mon Feb 8 16:45:10 UTC 2016

Hi all,

> I'd rather think that /etc/profile should source all files
> in /etc/profile.d/. At least that's what I would expect from a
> <something>.d/ directory.

Beware of backup files.  Such directories often end-up with ~-
terminated files (e.g., foobar~ after one edited foobar) and this 
often cause hard-to-detect bugs because of obsolete files being 

If not relying on a common suffix, maybe you should use the same rules 
as Debian's run-parts?  These are:

If  neither  the --lsbsysinit option nor the --regex option is given 
then the names must consist entirely of ASCII upper- and lower-case 
letters, ASCII digits,  ASCII  underscores,  and ASCII minus-hyphens.

Thomas Claveirole <thomas.claveirole at green-communications.fr>
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