[Buildroot] Booting from cramfs image

Hajime Yamasaki Vukelic hayavuk at gmail.com
Thu Feb 11 20:36:38 UTC 2016

Hi list,

I have an amlogic board (WetekPlay if anyone's familiar with it), and I
have a kernel image with initramfs, and a rootfs image in cramfs format.
The files involved are `boot.img` which is built using kernel uImage file,
DTB, and initramfs in cpio.gz format, and `rootfs.cramfs`. Both are written
to a FAT32 microSD card.

I'm trying to get the initramfs loop mount the cramfs image and switch_root
to it, but I keep getting kernel panic. The init script looks like this:


The error message:


If someone could give me pointers on how to debug or fix this, I would
greatly appreciate it.

-- Hajime
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