[Buildroot] changing sources before patching

Alexander Dahl post at lespocky.de
Sun Mar 13 19:28:03 UTC 2016

Hei hei,

in the fli4l [1] project, we use buildroot as build system, a little
custom stuff on top, but basically it's buildroot. Now Carsten wanted to
make a package for sfftools [2], especially sfftobmp3. The source is
only available from subversion and we need to patch it. The problem we
face is: some files we need to patch (e.g. configure.ac) have CRLF aka
DOS line endings and patch fails then. So we want to convert the line
endings to LF aka unix before patching. Is this possible with buildroot
and how? Or does anyone else has a good idea for an elegant solution to
this problem?

(please keep Carsten and Christoph in Cc)


[1] http://www.fli4l.de/
[2] https://sourceforge.net/projects/sfftools/

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