[Buildroot] buggy init script

Steve Calfee stevecalfee at gmail.com
Mon Mar 7 16:42:24 UTC 2016

On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 6:48 AM, Kenneth Adam Miller
Hi Ken,

This is not so much a buildroot question as a linux user question.
Anyway a couple of maybe helpful answers below.

<kennethadammiller at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a buildroot system with multiple target bzImages, each with a
> respective configuration. The configurations don't differ in much else aside
> from hostname. I have /etc/init.d in my target directory being populated
> with relevant scripts S02abc, S90xyz, S91abcxyz, S92zyx. I operate under the
> belief that init.d contents get executed in order of their numbers after S,
> and that the names after S<num><name> do not matter. In addtion, we are
> appropriately setting the permissions, which I've verified in both the
> /etc/init.d of the subject on startup and with our install command on the
> buildroot package that we have.

This assumption is correct.

> But what I'm seeing is something that appears to be spurious results that
> are inconsistent across runs. One host will execute a script like what is
> below just fine on startup, and sometime another system will not, despite
> the fact that the files are identical in the init.d directory for each host.

You don't give enough info on your environment. What is the rootfs
built into on your test runs? NFS? Flash? etc. How did it get there?

If you always do a make clean, fresh install for each flavor of init
scripts, do you have these problems?

What I am getting at is if you always just untar the rootfs into say a
nfs partition, the old stuff will be there. So now you have parts of
two filesystems and probably your run stuff will be confusing (new
files will over-written but old files will still be there). Check
/etc/init.d after boot and look for litter. dmesg and
/var/log/messages might have useful info.

Lots of packages add init scripts. Add your customizations one at a
time, and try to find the source of your problems. If you are nfs
booting you can alter the /etc/init.d scripts easily and reboot to
test again.

Good Luck, Steve

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