[Buildroot] Another lame user question.

Steve Calfee stevecalfee at gmail.com
Mon Mar 14 17:45:50 UTC 2016

On Sun, Mar 13, 2016 at 10:36 PM, Baruch Siach <baruch at tkos.co.il> wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> On Sun, Mar 13, 2016 at 10:14:57PM -0700, Steve Calfee wrote:
>> Hi, as the title says, I have another user question. I did explore
>> google and the buildroot docs.
>> I am trying to move the mysql directories to my writeable ubi
>> partition. Somewhere someone create the mysql user. Where did it get
>> created? However, there is no mysql group. I cannot get mysql to start
>> from a ubi partition mounted at /data/mysql. Who and where is the
>> mysql user created (some files have that as a user)
>> The buildroot manual documents the makeusers syntax, but what file do
>> I create where? Will that work for mysql?
> Quoting package/mysql/mysql.mk:
> define MYSQL_USERS
>         mysql -1 nogroup -1 * /var/mysql - - MySQL daemon
> endef
> baruch
Hi Baruch, thanks.

So somewhere in the infra a script goes through all *_USERS variables
and builds the password file etc for users?

What if I want to move /var/mysql? Who uses /var/mysql as the "home"
directory? And how does that relate to datadir that is defined in

Anyway finding out that the user is created in the make file will
really help me research this problem of setting up mysql and moving
its datadir to another ubi partition.

Thanks, Steve

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