[Buildroot] Remove all kernel modules from a buildroot build

Mythbu2 mythbu2 at yahoo.de
Fri Sep 2 06:48:55 UTC 2016


I've successfully build a custom Linux system with buildroot (stable 
release 2016.05) for the Raspberry Pi. Everything works fine so far and 
buildroot is a really nice tool.

I've one question for which I don't find an answer in the docs or on the 
web: the directory /lib/modules/4.4.8 contains all kernel modules and 
consumes around 93% of the entiere root filesystem. My system does not 
need any kernel modules and modules like dvb-* are included which I'll 
certainly not used.

Is there a way of configuring buildroot to omit all this modules and 
save the space and therefore reduce the image size?


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