[Buildroot] make menuconfig problem in latest snapshot

scsijon scsijon at lamiaworks.com.au
Wed Jan 18 23:48:23 UTC 2017

Thanks, I have already d/l that but I will need linux 4.10.x for this>


and 4.9.4 was the latest you had via the snapshot.

Think of an ordinary Touchscreen Pen Tablet (like the samsung S2 pen) 
with a Wacom Cintiq 13 instead of just a keyboard/touchpad attached.

4.10 series will apparently have the extra settings to keep the two sets 
of screens, touch pen positions and sensativity levels separate so you 
can use the pen on both (multiple) screens. It's just only one has the 
ability to work multiple pressure levels at present(in 4.9.x) with 
multiple touchscreens.

I've ordered the android version for now to play with, as the windows 
version is currently unavailable in Australia where I live, but rather 
than just rootkit'ing it and going from there, I want to eventually 
build a complete standalone and portable linux system for our 
CAD'ers/artists/comic creators/mangaka/etc in linux rather than them 
being stuck with windows $packages as is at present.

A friend who's involved with CAD and Drawing Software is working on a 
version to work with these extra functions. I just have to get 'my bit' 
up and running, else there will only be a windows version released.

Anyway i'll play with 2016.11.1 for now, learn from that too see if it's 
useable for what we need, and see what happens when you go to 4.10.x.


On 01/18/2017 09:33 PM, Peter Korsgaard wrote:
>>>>>> "scsijon" == scsijon  <scsijon at lamiaworks.com.au> writes:
>  > sorry folks, i'm just starting to play with buildroot. It was just
>  > that there was a snapshot that I d/l and tried to run that found the
>  > problem so i'm not up to the stage of an actual build (running make)
>  > yet. I'm just working my way through the manual and docs.
> Ok, then please use the latest release (2016.11.1):
> https://buildroot.org/download.html

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