[Buildroot] Beaglebone Black : tweaking the device tree

David Picard davepiq at yahoo.fr
Fri Jun 2 13:27:06 UTC 2017


I need to enable the CAN bus on the Beaglebone Black. To do so, I need 
to play with the device tree.

Thanks to the example I found [1] and some other references, I can 
picture roughly what to write in some dts file.

But still, I wonder what is the proper way to modify a device tree in 
Buildroot ?

- Are device tree overlays supported in Buildroot ?
- If not, should I patch or include 
arch/arm/boot/dts/arm335x-boneblack.dts ?
- What is the purpose of BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_CUSTOM_DTS_PATH ?
- Where should I save my .dts (I'm building out of tree).


[1] Example :
I successfully enabled the CAN bus on Debian installed by default on the 
eMMC using this guide (uses device a tree overlay):

My config :
Buildroot 2017.05, beaglebone_qt5_defconfig, kernel v4.1, plus this patch :

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