[Buildroot] Build creating empty directories in output/target/tmp

Steve Kenton skenton at ou.edu
Sun Feb 11 04:42:41 UTC 2018

I noticed something odd on my embedded system rootfs when it was not 
running. There were empty directories in /tmp

/I checked my 2017.11 build and sure enough they were in 
output/target/tmp too/

/They are empty and get hidden by the tmpfs overmount of /tmp when 
running, but it seems odd if harmless.

hdi at hdi-H110N:/ssd/bcdist/buildroot-2017.11$ ls -l output/target/tmp
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 2 hdi hdi 4096 Feb 10 20:50 fontconfig
drwxr-xr-x 2 hdi hdi 4096 Feb 10 21:13 samba
hdi at hdi-H110N:/ssd/bcdist/buildroot-2017.11$

Steve Kenton

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