[Buildroot] Suggestion for Makefile to probably import BR2_CONFIG

Toan Pham tpham3783 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 23 18:28:34 UTC 2018

>  Well, if you really know what you are doing, then you also know that you
> can in
> fact override BR2_CONFIG :-).

Yes, but it wont work if the build is out of branch (O is defined) along
with BR2_CONFIG.  Please try it out!

> In fact, the commandline you give in your original
> mail *will* work. Any assignment specified on the make commandline (after
> 'make') overrides the assignments done within the Makefiles.

Yes, except that it doesn't work because  BR2 would print the error
described in the first email.  I just found the proper patch to fix that
error (see below patch).  The reason why we got the error because buildroot
called submake target silentoldconfig without passing along the BR2_CONFIG
we intended to use.  One way to fix that is to pass -e option to submake
but it is a bad practice to use environment variable overload.  A better
way is to pass along BR2_CONFIG, otherwise submake would evaluate
BR2_CONFIG as $(CONFIG_DIR)/.config as oppose to the path given from
command line argument.  Please review it and let me know.

Thanks for the feedback,


diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 7d8ab51..4b12359 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
 # Pull in the user's configuration file
@@ -547,7 +550,7 @@ dirs: $(BUILD_DIR) $(STAGING_DIR) $(TARGET_DIR) \
        $(HOST_DIR) $(HOST_DIR)/usr $(HOST_DIR)/lib $(BINARIES_DIR)

 $(BUILD_DIR)/buildroot-config/auto.conf: $(BR2_CONFIG)
HOSTCXX="$(HOSTCXX_NOCCACHE)" silentoldconfig
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