[Buildroot] How to deal configure file getting wrong include path

Bernd Kuhls bernd.kuhls at t-online.de
Wed Jul 11 03:38:29 UTC 2018

Hi Mark,

Am Tue, 10 Jul 2018 18:43:14 -0500 schrieb Mark Hawthorne:

> I added a package to build spatialite. Spatialite depends on the geos
> library. At build time, the geos library generates a script called
> geos-config which can be used to query the installation location for the
> geos header files and libraries. Geos determines these locations at
> build time using $exec and $exec_prefix and hard-codes them into the
> geos-config file. The include path becomes "/usr/include".

have a look at the buildroot docs and search for LIBFOO_CONFIG_SCRIPTS.
This should handle your problem.

Regards, Bernd

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