[Buildroot] [PATCH] merge_config.sh: Fix finding redundant config mechanism

Petr Vorel petr.vorel at gmail.com
Wed Oct 24 19:15:39 UTC 2018

Hi Arnout, Nasser,

> > Should I resend the patch applying Angelo -b approach?
>  Yes, please do. Make sure you keep Angelo's authorship and add your Sob.
Nice. So I'm not going to implement it (asked by Arnout).
If you CC me, I'll review your patch.

> And please fix the remaining two comments I made:

> - remove the hunk that replaces alldefconfig with olddefconfig;

> - a patch should be added to support/kconfig/patches.

>  As it happens, I talked today with the guy who submitted the merge_config.sh
> script to the kernel (apparently this script comes from yocto, originally). He
> thinks it would be a good idea to upstream this -b option to the kernel. I
> didn't find the kconfig maintainer (Masahiro) though, but it's worth a try.
I was planning to send a patch to linux-kbuild as well (after we complete this
patch) as I also think it's something which upstream could take, so projects
didn't have to carry patch for it. But feel free to implement send it there.

>  Regards,
>  Arnout

Kind regards,

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