[Buildroot] Help with forcing a rebuild of the target

Jakob Cornell jakob at jcornell.net
Sat Aug 10 23:32:24 UTC 2019

Hi all,

I've been working with Buildroot for a few weeks, and I occasionally find that I want to undo a change I've made to the 'output/target' tree. This is usually because I want to remove a file previously added using an overlay or because there are stale files leftover from a package that I've deselected.

So what I want to do, ideally, is run everything needed to fully populate the target filesystem, but also ensure that only what's needed is there. I've tried removing 'output/target' or individual files in it, but that often breaks the build. I've been resorting to doing a full clean and build, which is very wasteful. Is there any way to clean out the target tree and rebuild it without having to recompile anything?


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