[Buildroot] [PATCH v2] docs/website: consolidate CDN's and enable SRI

Peter Korsgaard peter at korsgaard.com
Mon Feb 4 18:13:38 UTC 2019

>>>>> "Angelo" == Angelo Compagnucci <angelo at amarulasolutions.com> writes:


 >> Yes, but given their small size, this is probably not a huge concern?
 >> E.G. news.html is ~200KB.

 > Yes, I know, in an optimistic world we could have that page sliced on
 > smaller chunks and retrieved one chunk at a time.
 > It could be done, but I don't know how much that page is visited.
 > I don't know if we have a proper network load statistics to understand
 > if this could be a valuable work to do.

We afaik don't really have any data. We used to have Google analytics on
the website, but it seems to be broken.

 >> > Moreover, saving a compressed javascript in git it's not recommended
 >> > because their somewhat like binary files.
 >> Correct, but we already have the website images in it as well. Given
 >> that these things only rarely change, I don't think that is a big
 >> concern.

 > Yes I know, but unless we pay to host on a CDN ourselves, we can't do
 > otherwise.  I think that something could be optimized from a size
 > point of view.

 > I think if we can save some some bandwidth, we should go that route,
 > but if costs are not a main concern, we can opt to have everything on
 > local server.

We don't directly pay for bandwidth (osuosl.org does), and I seriously
doubt it is significant compared to sources.buildroot.org (~1.5TB/month).

Bye, Peter Korsgaard

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