[Buildroot] [valgrind] problem with glibc 2.23 and valgrind 3.12.0

Yann Cardaillac ycardaillac at sepro-group.com
Wed Jan 29 15:35:30 UTC 2020

Hi all, 

I mentioned on IRC a problem with valgrind and glibc. 
The issue is 100% repeatable. 

Valgrind is in version 3.12.0 
Toolchain external, Linaro ARM 2017.02 
Glibc 2.23 
Buildroot 2017.08.2 
Target is Arm Cortex a9 

I'm working with [ https://valgrind.org/docs/manual/quick-start.html | https://valgrind.org/docs/manual/quick-start.html ] as a reference program. 
When executing the program "a.c" on my target I won't get the same error, instead I'm seeing: 

[ https://pastebin.com/QJ2j89Y8 | https://pastebin.com/QJ2j89Y8 ] 

As you can see I have the proper error that I'm expected but also some error refering to ld-2.23.so lib. Which I did not altered by any way. 

==31275== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) 
==31275== at 0x4011E14: index (in /usr/lib/ld-2.23.so) 
==31275== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) 
==31275== at 0x4011E18: index (in /usr/lib/ld-2.23.so) 
==31275== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) 
==31275== at 0x4005A5A: expand_dynamic_string_token (in /usr/lib/ld-2.23.so) 

To fix that issue, I've had to add a few new rules to a supp files: 



I took those rule from : 
valgrind ./a.out --gen-suppressions=yes 

Then using the supp file as such : 
valgrind --leak-check=yes --suppressions=/lib/valgrind/sepro.supp ./a.out 

My question is mostly why do I have to do that by myself is it safe? 

I've find this kind of files while being looking for solution to my errors : 

[ https://github.com/mozilla-b2g/valgrind/blob/master/glibc-2.3.supp | https://github.com/mozilla-b2g/valgrind/blob/master/glibc-2.3.supp ] 

Shouldn't we have one equivalent directly coming with valgrind? 

Best regards, 



Ingénieur développement logiciel 
SEPRO Robotique - 88 Rue Henry Bessemer - Zone Ajoncs Ouest - CS 10084 - 85003 La Roche sur Yon Cedex (France) 

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