[Buildroot] Missing Tarball

Peter Korsgaard peter at korsgaard.com
Wed Sep 9 06:27:50 UTC 2020

>>>>> "Jeffrey" == Jeffrey Zignego <jlzignego at gmail.com> writes:

 > I'm building buildroot tag 2019.02.2, and the source tarball
 > qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.11.3.tar.xz is missing from the download
 > server here: http://sources.buildroot.net//qt5webengine/ . The other
 > download URL in buildroot for that is the QT project releases page,
 > which doesn't have any 5.11 releases:
 > https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/

 > I was able to find the source tarball here:
 > http://ftp.oregonstate.edu/.1/blfs/conglomeration/qtwebengine/ and the
 > checksums match what you have in the *.hash file. Can this tarball be
 > uploaded to your server please?

Done - But please consider moving to a supported Buildroot version,
E.G. 2020.02.6.

Bye, Peter Korsgaard

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