[Buildroot] error when i build buidroot

Esaïe Ledoux NJONGSSI KOUAM kouamdoux at gmail.com
Sun Oct 10 07:58:52 UTC 2021

Hey everybody ,
It is my first time to use buildroot. I have read the manual and i want to
use it for embedded linux projects .
So i have :
clone the project
build  for qemu_x86_64 by typing "qemu_x86_64_defconfig"
then type "make"

After that i have seen some error, i don't know how to solve it :

"rsync -a --ignore-times --exclude .svn --exclude .git --exclude .hg
--exclude .bzr --exclude CVS --chmod=u=rwX,go=rX --exclude .empty --exclude
'*~' system/skeleton/

So this command generate a lot of errors :

rsync: [generator] failed to set permissions on
Function not implemented (38)
rsync: [generator] failed to set permissions on
Function not implemented (38)
rsync: [generator] failed to set permissions on
Function not implemented (38)
rsync: [generator] failed to set permissions on
Function not implemented (38)
rsync: [generator] failed to set permissions on
Function not implemented (38)
rsync: [generator] failed to set permissions on
Function not implemented (38)
rsync: [generator] failed to set permissions on
Function not implemented (38)
rsync: [generator] failed to set permissions on
Function not implemented (38)
rsync: [generator] failed to set permissions on
Function not implemented (38)
rsync: [generator] failed to set permissions on
Function not implemented (38)
rsync: [generator] failed to set permissions on
Function not implemented (38)
rsync: [generator] failed to set permissions on
Function not implemented (38)
rsync: [generator] failed to set permissions on
Function not implemented (38)
rsync: [generator] failed to set permissions on
Function not implemented (38)
rsync: [receiver] failed to set permissions on
Function not implemented (38)
rsync: [receiver] failed to set permissions on
Function not implemented (38)
rsync: [receiver] failed to set permissions on
Function not implemented (38)
rsync: [receiver] failed to set permissions on
Function not implemented (38)
rsync: [receiver] failed to set permissions on
Function not implemented (38)
rsync: [receiver] failed to set permissions on
Function not implemented (38)
rsync: [receiver] failed to set permissions on
Function not implemented (38)
rsync: [receiver] failed to set permissions on
Function not implemented (38)
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors)
(code 23) at main.c(1333) [sender=3.2.3]
make: *** [package/pkg-generic.mk:333 :
Erreur 23

Please how can i fix that ?? Because i have not seen something talk about
how to avoid it
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