[Buildroot] Xilinx zynqmp_zcu10x_defconfigs: two things left

Neal Frager nealf at xilinx.com
Mon Feb 7 13:00:35 UTC 2022

Hi Luca,

>The zcu106 defconfig currently in Buildroot uses a pmufw that has a hard-coded pm_cfg_obj for zcu106 in its default Vivado configuration. It is an old and unflexible hack that required a different pmufw binary for each zynqmp hardware _and_ peripheral configuration (or other solutions like a "wildcard" configuration).

> Nowadays pmufw images do not contain a pm_cfg_obj anymore, as it gets passed from U-Boot SPL at runtime [0]. This allows to use the same pmufw binary for all zynqmp designs.

> This means you should provide a pm_cfg_obj.c file in boards/ and put the path to that file in BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_ZYNQMP_PM_CFG. It will be built in U-Boot SPL, which will pass it at runtime to the PMUFW.

> Note that you could handle similarly the psu_init_gpl.c: provide one in boards/ and put its path in BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_ZYNQMP_PSU_INIT_FILE. But since U-Boot has a builtin psu_init_gpl for the ZCU106 (and 102 too) then you should not need do anything. It's for other boards not supported in U-Boot.

> [0] https://lucaceresoli.net/zynqmp-uboot-spl-pmufw-cfg-load/

I tried this method, but I am getting the error below.  Do you have any ideas?  Attached you can find the pm_cfg_obj.c source file that comes with Xilinx 2021.2.

cp /buildroot/output/images/bl31.bin /buildroot/output/build/uboot-xlnx_rebase_v2021.01_2021.2/
/buildroot/output/build/uboot-xlnx_rebase_v2021.01_2021.2/tools/zynqmp_pm_cfg_obj_convert.py "board/zynqmp/pm_cfg_obj.c" "/buildroot/output/build/uboot-xlnx_rebase_v2021.01_2021.2/pm_cfg_obj.bin"
package/pkg-generic.mk:289: recipe for target '/buildroot/output/build/uboot-xlnx_rebase_v2021.01_2021.2/.stamp_built' failed Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/buildroot/output/build/uboot-xlnx_rebase_v2021.01_2021.2/tools/zynqmp_pm_cfg_obj_convert.py", line 293, in <module>
    code, flags=re.DOTALL).group(1)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
make: *** [/buildroot/output/build/uboot-xlnx_rebase_v2021.01_2021.2/.stamp_built] Error 1

Thank you for your help!

Best regards,
Neal Frager
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