[Buildroot] [PATCH] package/mono: allow to select which folders to install to target

Yann E. MORIN yann.morin.1998 at free.fr
Tue Nov 1 17:42:00 UTC 2022

Angelo, All,

On 2022-11-01 10:19 +0100, Angelo Compagnucci spake thusly:
> My two cents. Historically, the mono configure was offering some
> options to enable only some versions of the API which was lately
> removed 
> So, removing older compatibility API folders should be perfectly
> fine.

Thanks for the confirmation! :-)

My understanding, though, would be that we may need more than one such
versionned API. For example, I would (hypothetically!) develope my app
agaings current version, say 4.8-api, so I am using APIs from that
version. Then I update to a newer mono, and I start using the new APIs,
e.g. 5.3-api, in the new parts of my app, but the existing parts are
still using 4.8-api, so I need both.

Is that sensible, or did I mis-understood?

If correct, then we need to be able to select more than one versioned

> We cannot remove the Global Assembly Cache (GAC).

So, we an' rely on it being listed by the user; we must explicitly
install it.

        gac \
        $(fitler-out gac,$(call qstrip,$(BR2_PACKAGE_MONO_API_DIRS)))

    $(foreach dir,$(MONO_INSTALL_DIRS),copy the $(d) dir)

> For the rest, it would be nice if Giulio could do some testing (I can
> try it too) to understand at what extent we can remove any other
> folder.

That would be awesome, thanks!

Yann E. MORIN.

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