[Buildroot] Changing configuration options of package in another one

Jesse Van Gavere jesseevg at gmail.com
Thu Oct 13 13:06:07 UTC 2022


I'm in a bit of a peculiar situation for which I'm not sure what the
correct solution is.
I'm trying to implement the qt6 remote objects package, this has a
dependency on host-qt6remoteobjects because it needs a host tool from
it to build the target package, however, to build the host package it
needs qt6base network enabled in the host qt6 build, this is by
default turned off as it's not a necessity for the host tools needed
to build the target package.

So to make it work I've added an enable for the network module to
HOST_QT6BASE_CONF_OPTS but this seems like a bit of a dirty solution,
what should I do here? Manipulate the qt6 host build it in the remote
objects package? Or maybe turn on the network module for the qt6 host
build whenever the target qt6 network module gets enabled?

Best regards,

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