[Buildroot] [PATCH] support/scripts/check-host-libs: add new check on host binaries/libs

yann.morin at orange.com yann.morin at orange.com
Tue Sep 20 09:11:43 UTC 2022

Thomas, All,

On 2022-09-20 10:35 +0200, Thomas Petazzoni spake thusly:
> On Tue, 20 Sep 2022 09:46:24 +0200
> <yann.morin at orange.com> wrote:
> > Finally, this script takes more than a minute to run on our build, about
> > a 10% increase from ~12min. This is not nice at all.
> >     $ find host/*bin host/lib* -type f |(keep just libs + execs) |wc -l
> >     339
> > That last command, though, is what takes time: there is a huge ton of go
> > junk installed in HOST_DIR, and this takes ages to filter-out.
> Wow, 1 extra minute, this seems a lot. However, I don't understand what
> you mean by "That last command". What exactly takes time? The fact that
> we run "file" on zillion of files to filter out files that are not
> executable/shared libraries? Or the readelf on the filtered files?

Sorry, I was not explicit enough. Yes, the filtering only, i.e. only
running 'file' on all those 16k+ files takes more than a minute:

    $ date +%s; find host/*bin host/lib* -type f |while read f; do
        mime=$(file -b --mime-type ${f})
        if test "${mime}" != "application/x-sharedlib" -a
                "${mime}" != "application/x-executable" ; then
        printf '%s\n' "${f}"
    done |wc -l; date +%s


I.e. 76 seconds just to identify the files to actually look at.

> > So, although I understand the rationale, this should probably be opt-in.
> > 
> > Or it should only be ran when doing an SDK?
> I am fine with this being opt-in, but I would not tie it to the SDK,
> but rather to CI in the autobuilders. Indeed, while locally for your
> own projects where you might control the build environment (using
> containers, as you mentioned), in the general situation, Buildroot
> tries to not use system libraries other than the C library. So having
> this in the autobuilders would not impose the extra time on users, but
> would allow us to detect a number of undetected spurious host
> dependencies.
> So, it would be a Config.in option, disabled by default. Autobuilders
> would enable it, and users who are interested by the extra checks could
> also enable it.
> Thoughts?

Yes, being opt-in is probably the best solution, in the "Build options"
-> "Advanced" submenu.

Or we can see at optimising it. Overall, I am not a fan of "if it's too
slow, don't do it", but I prefer "if it's too slow, make it faster".

So, we can start by spawning less processes, then use sed to filter out
the result:

    find ${HOST_DIR}/*bin ${HOST_DIR}/lib* -type f -print 0 \
    |xargs -0 -r file --mime-type \
    |sed -r -e '/^(.+): application/(x-executable|x-sharedlib)$/!d; s//\1/' \
    |while read f; do
        readelf blabla...

I'll try to find some free CPU cycles to look further into that soon...

Yann E. MORIN.

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