[Buildroot] [PATCH] package/less: install the lessecho command

Thomas Petazzoni thomas.petazzoni at bootlin.com
Tue Aug 1 20:20:21 UTC 2023

Hello Nicolas,

On Tue,  1 Aug 2023 11:37:35 +0200
carrier.nicolas0 at gmail.com wrote:

> From: Nicolas Carrier <nicolas.carrier at nav-timing.safrangroup.com>
> it is required by, for example the s command, allowing to write to a file

I think you should clarify that you're talking about the "s command"
inside less. Because I was thinking you were talking about a program
called "s".

I cannot apply your patch: we need your Signed-off-by line.

>  	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 $(@D)/less $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/bin/less
> +	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 $(@D)/lessecho $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/bin/lessecho
>  endef

I think the best solution is in fact to drop LESS_INSTALL_TARGET_CMDS
entirely, so that "make install" is used instead. It installs the

└── usr
    ├── bin
    │   ├── less
    │   ├── lessecho
    │   └── lesskey
    └── share
        └── man
            └── man1
                ├── less.1
                ├── lessecho.1
                └── lesskey.1

usr/share/man is going to be removed automatically by Buildroot at the
end of the build. So that leave us with usr/bin with less, lessecho and
lesskey. So I believe it makes more sense to let the default "make
install" do its job.

I would have fixed that myself when applying, but I need your
Signed-off-by in the patch to be able to proceed.

Thomas Petazzoni, co-owner and CEO, Bootlin
Embedded Linux and Kernel engineering and training

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