[Buildroot] Interested in board support for BeagleV-Ahead

Kilian Zinnecker kilian.zinnecker at mail.de
Sat Aug 12 11:06:07 UTC 2023

Hello Thomas,

> > Yes, I really appreciate all information that may help! I am not very
> > experienced, especially when it comes to assembling a boot image from the
> > artifacts, so it would be a great help.
> Wanted to experiment a bit. Turns out that the USB TTL cable I happen
> to have with me falls into the "It has been noticed that 6pin FTDI
> cables like this doesn’t seem work with BeagleV Ahead debug port and
> there might be other cables/modules that will show garbage when
> connected to the board" at
> https://docs.beagleboard.org/latest/boards/beaglev/ahead/02-quick-start.html
> , so I don't have access to the board UART to explore things, sadly.

Yes, same problem over here: None of my FTDI cables works. There is also a 
forum post about this. I did have one cheap adapter, that did work indeed, 
however it decided to not want to continue working for some reason. I ordered 
a few one with a CP2102, like it was suggested on the forum. Till they arrive 
(around mid of next week) there is not too much I can do, too ...

Best regards,

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