[Buildroot] List of trivial old patches

Yann E. MORIN yann.morin.1998 at free.fr
Sat May 6 15:16:01 UTC 2023

Baruch, All,

On 2023-05-05 08:17 +0300, Baruch Siach via buildroot spake thusly:
> Here is a list of over month old patchwork entries that look like
> trivial version bumps, or upstream backports.
> There are a lot more. So if you find this list useful, I'll dig up more
> patches.

I blindly applied the patches, on the assumption you did actually review
them before adding them to the list, which was neither too short nor too
long, so it was pretty much manageable, so yes, that was useful. Thanks!

What would be even more useful (and this is valid for everyone) is to
review complex patches too, because those are the ones that take more
time (version bumps are indeed trivial and seldom get a second thought
from my part).

Anyway, thanks for the effort, and if you send another list, this length
and content is nice. 👍


Yann E. MORIN.

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