[Buildroot] [PATCH 1/2] package/libgtk3: fix build failure on libinput due to the presence of atk-bridge-2.0 in gtk+-3.0.pc

Yann E. MORIN yann.morin.1998 at free.fr
Mon May 8 17:05:27 UTC 2023

Thomas, All,

On 2023-05-08 18:51 +0200, Thomas Devoogdt spake thusly:
> The patch is dropped on master:
> [1]https://git.buildroot.net/buildroot/commit/?id=05f9c34ad0b6bb3ef719db3df5fb44e3d6a5c2aa
> So this patch can be dropped. 

Thanks, I've marked it as Not Applicable.

Yann E. MORIN.

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