[Buildroot] [PATCH 1/1] support/testing: add sox runtime test

Julien Olivain ju.o at free.fr
Sun Feb 18 17:25:47 UTC 2024

Signed-off-by: Julien Olivain <ju.o at free.fr>
 DEVELOPERS                                |  1 +
 support/testing/tests/package/test_sox.py | 74 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 75 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 support/testing/tests/package/test_sox.py

index 0d12c3abcb..34dc87e98f 100644
@@ -1848,6 +1848,7 @@ F:	support/testing/tests/package/test_rdma_core.py
 F:	support/testing/tests/package/test_rdma_core/
 F:	support/testing/tests/package/test_screen.py
 F:	support/testing/tests/package/test_sed.py
+F:	support/testing/tests/package/test_sox.py
 F:	support/testing/tests/package/test_sqlite.py
 F:	support/testing/tests/package/test_strace.py
 F:	support/testing/tests/package/test_stress_ng.py
diff --git a/support/testing/tests/package/test_sox.py b/support/testing/tests/package/test_sox.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..74f784a36f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/testing/tests/package/test_sox.py
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+import math
+import os
+import infra.basetest
+class TestSox(infra.basetest.BRTest):
+    config = infra.basetest.BASIC_TOOLCHAIN_CONFIG + \
+        """
+        BR2_PACKAGE_AUBIO=y
+        BR2_PACKAGE_SOX=y
+        # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_TAR is not set
+        """
+    def note_from_freq(self, freq):
+        """Return a note number from the input frequency in Hertz."""
+        return round((12 * math.log(freq / 440) / math.log(2)) + 69)
+    def check_audio_note(self, input_file, expected_note):
+        """Check the input_file include the expected_note."""
+        out, ret = self.emulator.run(f"aubionotes {input_file}", timeout=20)
+        self.assertEqual(ret, 0)
+        note_found = False
+        for line in out:
+            values = line.split()
+            if len(values) == 3:
+                note = round(float(values[0]))
+                if note == expected_note:
+                    note_found = True
+        self.assertTrue(note_found, "The expected note was not found")
+    def test_run(self):
+        cpio_file = os.path.join(self.builddir, "images", "rootfs.cpio")
+        self.emulator.boot(arch="armv5",
+                           kernel="builtin",
+                           options=["-initrd", cpio_file])
+        self.emulator.login()
+        # Check the program can execute.
+        self.assertRunOk("sox --version")
+        freq = 440  # General Midi note A3
+        expected_note = self.note_from_freq(freq)
+        wav_file = "ref.wav"
+        tmpwav_file = "tmp.wav"
+        # Generate a sinusoidal tone.
+        cmd = "sox -V -r 48000 -n -b 16 -c 1"
+        cmd += f" {wav_file} synth 3 sin {freq} vol -10dB"
+        self.assertRunOk(cmd)
+        # Compute statistics on the generated file.
+        self.assertRunOk(f"sox {wav_file} -n stat")
+        # We check the generated wave file includes the expected note.
+        self.check_audio_note(wav_file, expected_note)
+        # We resample the reference file.
+        cmd = f"sox -V {wav_file} -r 22050 {tmpwav_file}"
+        self.assertRunOk(cmd)
+        # We should still detect our expected note.
+        self.check_audio_note(tmpwav_file, expected_note)
+        # We convert the file by changing the speed by a factor.
+        speed_factor = 2
+        cmd = f"sox -V {wav_file} {tmpwav_file} speed {speed_factor}"
+        self.assertRunOk(cmd)
+        # We compute the new expected note from this test controller
+        # side, and check we detect this new note in the audio file.
+        new_expected_note = self.note_from_freq(freq * speed_factor)
+        self.check_audio_note(tmpwav_file, new_expected_note)

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